Painting a Painting

Richard Anuszkiewicz was an American multi-media artist best known for his illusionary Op art. By taking advantage of perspective, lines, and negative space, Richard is able to make his two-dimensional prints and paintings appear three-dimensional to the observer. This style grew popular in the 1960s, and its origins can be traced back to earlier art movements such as Cubism and Dada. When it came down to picking a piece to recreate, I wanted to go with something that I was confident in my ability to recreate, but would still challenge my programming skills. Eventually, I decided on Large Richard Anuszkiewicz Mixed Media Relief Painting.
Embedded above is my first attempt at recreating the piece. My initial plan was to utilize a sin function in order to create the blue lines. After messing with my code for quite a while this was the best that I got, not terrible, but I wanted better. After further analyzing the piece that I was trying to recreate I came to the conclusion that I wasn’t going to be able to accurately model the lines mathematically, and that I was going to have to program them by hand. Embedded below is the final result.